The Cause

supporting mental health specialists

With Ride & Walk for Relief, we are committed to improving the quality of life of Australians who live with mental health challenges every day by raising awareness and funds to support the significant issues.

Funds raised through the event go to our charity partner Mentis Assist, a not-for-profit mental health organisation that provides specialised mental health support services for people living with mental illness. Funds raised at a Metung fundraiser are donated to a regional body, Wellways Gippsland.

mental health in Australia

With Ride & Walk for Relief, we are committed to improving the quality of life of Australians who live with mental health challenges every day, by raising awareness and funds to support the significant issues.

Mental health in Australia has been through a significant shift in the last 50 years, with 20% of Australians experiencing one or more mental health episodes in their lifetimes. The 2020–2022 National Study of Mental Health and Wellbeing estimated that 8.5 million Australians aged 16 – 85 had experienced a mental illness at some time in their life (43% of the population).

Mental illness affects all Australians, either directly, for those who experience it or indirectly, such as family members, friends and carers. The study shows the most common mental illnesses in Australia in the 12 months prior to the study were anxiety disorders (3.4 million people), affective (or mood) disorders (1.5 million) and substance use disorders (650k).

For Australia, mental and substance use disorders were estimated to be responsible for 15% of the total burden of disease (years of healthy life lost due to poor health or non-fatal burden), placing it second as a broad disease group after cancer (17%).

In 2021, the estimated prevalence of depression or anxiety was highest among younger women and men (aged 15–34) at 22%, compared to 15% for people aged 55 and over. Since 2017, mental illness prevalence rates exceeded asthma, which had been the most common serious illness for this age group.

In 2022, 8.9 Australians died every day by suicide. An unknown further number of Australians attempt suicide every year, with some estimates suggesting this figure may be over 65,000.

These statistics are confronting; behind every number is a human life – families, friends and whole communities. It’s time to make a difference in these devastating numbers together.

the story behind ride for relief

Ride of Relief was established by Charles and Yuki Davidson in honour of Charles’ brother and Peninsula Hot Springs co-founder, Richard. In partnership with Mentis Assist, the event aims to prompt the important discussions surrounding mental health.



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